Saturday, July 21, 2007

Saturday links

We were admittedly a little short on posts this week. We were all really busy, so you'll have to live with that excuse. Anyway, we're not going to bust our asses this weekend either. If we post anything, it'll most likely be for Epic Carnival. Then next week, starting Monday, we'll be back in force.

On to the links.

Tim Donaghy has pretty much confirmed what I always knew - that NBA conspiracy theories are 100% legit. [Epic Carnival]

I was absent most of Friday and missed this very good post by the righteous men of Nation of Islam. Did Pacman actually make a threat at the Minxx? Because it appears there is now some real disagreement about this. [NOIS]

Joe Morgan is a huge liar. [The Feed]

This what you get when you combine the NRA with golf. Unreal. [Deuce of Davenport]

And that's enough for now, I'm damn tired.


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