Tuesday, May 15, 2007

God hates the Suns and the NBA can go to Hell

I'm going to be honest. I'm a Warriors fan first and foremost, but as many of you know, we haven't been that good for a long time - until this year of course. But while we were slumming it up at the bottom of the NBA, I started watching the Suns as well. There's a reason for this. I grew up in the South Bay where Steve Nash helped an obscure Catholic university overachieve on the basketball court for 4 years. During his stint at Santa Clara, Nash helped knock off the #2 seed Arizona Wildcats in the first round of the 1993 NCAA Tournament. Not even those of us who watched Nash in college thought he be as good as he's become.

The Suns, for the last 3 seasons with Nash at the helm, have been the most exciting team to watch in the NBA. But they seem cursed. Back in the 2005 playoffs, it was Joe Johnson's broken face that hurt the Suns. Of course at the time, no one seemed that worried. Amare averaged 37 pts per game against Duncan in the Western Conference Finals that year, and even though the Suns lost in 5 to the Spurs, it seemed only a matter of time before they would win a championship.

Then Amare needed microfracture surgery and had to sit for the whole season. Nash and the Matrix stepped up and got it done. But in the Western Conference Finals, Raja Bell's calf exploded, keeping him out of Games 2 and 3. Who knows what the Suns could have done with Bell healthy.

Now this year, Nash gets a headbutt in Game 1 and the Suns trainers can't stop the bleeding, leaving the Suns without their most clutch player in the critical final moments of the game. And now, the ultimate low blow (and no, I'm not talking about Bowen's knee to Nash's groin). Amare and Diaw have both been suspended for a game. All of this as a result of a flagrant cheap shot by Robert "I'm averaging under 5 pts a game this series" Horry.

The point of the rule is to avoid fights breaking out and in this case, no fight happened. The NBA should realize that this antiquated rule was designed back in the days when fights were violent and rampant in the NBA. That's not the case anymore.

The rule doesn't even make sense in the whole construct of the playoffs so far. We've seen cheap shots by Baron Davis, Bowen and Mikki Moore. We've seen Jason Richardson take out Memhet Okur. All of these acts are worthy of a suspension, but none were handed out. Now you're going to give a suspension to a guy for leaving the bench when no punches get thrown? Totally irrational.

You're also sending a memo to everyone in the NBA that taking cheap shots at star players to goad key players off of the bench and get suspended is a legitimate tactic. Why not just have Pat Burke come into the game and deck Tony Parker in front of the Spurs bench? We might find a few Spurs getting suspended then for similarly illogical reasons.

Even worse, the NBA is sending a big slap in the face to the fans of the game, who don't want to see this epic series decided by an asshole sitting at a desk. That includes Spurs fans. Let 'em play for God's sake and settle it on the court.

So now we're subjected to the NBA basically gift-wrapping this series for the Spurs because of a trangression THEY were responsible for while the Suns get royally screwed. This is like taking the guy who beats up the purse snatcher to jail for assault while letting the robber go. A complete mockery of the justice system.

So here's my thought. If it's clear that the NBA doesn't care about the fans, likes to enforce a rule that makes NO sense, and has made a mockery of justice in this incident, then why even play the game? Robert Sarver, the current majority owner of the Suns, should tell David Stern to stick it where the sun don't shine and tell him the Suns won't play Game 5. I have no doubt that the people of Phoenix would rally around that cry seeing as they just wound up on the wrong side of one of the most uneven judgments in NBA history.

If Stern and Stu Jackson want to play hardball, fine. But I say now it's time for the Suns to do the same thing.



Anonymous said...

Man they should totally boycott game 5. Send a message to Stern and Jackson. This was one of the worst NBA judgments ever.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you, I am sooo furious! The Suns never get respect. And I must say, I'm rooting for the Warriors--can't wait to watch the game tonight. They're down but they're not out! My two fav teams are the Suns and Warriors, with good reason!:) Thanks for your post!

Unknown said...

There's a pretty good case to be made for certain Suns that can't control their emotions. When does accountability come into play? All I've heard about Amare's consistent inability to keep his head cool is whining and complaining that it's not his fault, ever. I hate what happened in Game 4, and it's already tarnished a great series and the entire league, for that matter - but the notion that the Suns are getting screwed would be completely void and null if Amare and the Suns would just control themselves. How hard would it REALLY have been for him to just act like an adult, realize the Spurs had just gone over the line and sit tight? The game was over, Nash wasn't motionless and wracked with pain - and Amare, again, put himself in a position that hurts his team.

Anonymous said...

Amare whines all the time and says nothing is ever his fault? Hmmm, that sounds familiar. Oh yeah, it sounds like everyone on the Spurs. Anyone who watches any NBA basketball knows that Tim Duncan is a hall of fame whiner, along with Bowen and Ginobli. So what if Amare's one. The Spurs are stacked with them.

Anonymous said...

Great message you're sending to your team, Suns fans! You're basically telling them that they can't win without stoudawhiner and Boris. Give me a break! What kind of chickenS&%^ fans are you? Stop whining. You can be sure that the Spurs fans are supporting their team...and the Spurs have earned that respect.

I also find it amusing that in one week the Spurs have gone from the most boring team in the NBA to the dirtiest, courtesy of the media. What a joke. Horry has only two such incidents in his career (both involving the Suns). He's 36. Stoudawhiner is 24 and already has four times that amount. Who's the bigger &%^*?

Anonymous said...

Look I am Spurs fan through and through....but that was messed up. However, the hedonistic side of me is LOVING this drama! (yeah I am a "typical female") I can;t wait to watch the next game JUST to see what unfolds of all of this. Great for thos eof us females forced to watch the game, but I assume it makes it kinda suck for the men. I dunno, I like the contact side of it here. It's exciting. And I think that even though the Spurs are always gonna be my boys, Nash has really handled this with as much class as can be expected. He seems like a GREAT guy. I would congratulate him on the way he has handled it. With the excpetion of Horry (and maybe Bowen) I still think the Spurs have class too. Just my opinion!

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