The haircuts definitely look real similar and the skin tone is pretty consistent. The question is the sideburns. We can't really tell if the guy in the video clip photo has those annoyingly thin sideburns. Makes me wish Estrella had a giant beard, and of course he could have shaved the sideburns. Anyway, have fun with it, and here's the original pic if you want to break it down yourself.
I'm starting to believe it was indeed Estrella on the Jets sideline in that video photo.
Since Belichick has confessed, you can stop the hypothesizing.
Really, though, who gives a shit. The NFL, which ignores steroid abuse, is going to be holier than baseball which raises signal stealing to an art form but professes some concern about performance enhancing drugs?
Could the Jets have been so stupid not to know what was going on? I'll bet they changed their signals just to fuck with the Patriots--or would that also have been illegal? Maybe a review of the tape will show one of the Jets coaches giving the Pats the finger.
Really, this is all such a crock.
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