I’ve decided to accept the job of editor over at FanIQ. I’ll be doing both blogging on the FanIQ featured blog and content editing for the homepage. I’ll still be posting as 100% Injury Rate on their blog and I'll have all my own posts available to read here. Right now, the only RSS feed I can give you is this one, which is the RSS for the FanIQ blog where I'll be writing almost every day. You can also access the blog RSS from the FanIQ featured blog page. In the near future I should have an RSS feed available for just my posts. You can read a few of my first posts if you want.
I’ll still be reachable by email and gchat at injuryrate[at]gmail[dot]com. And I’ll still be doing those crazy Olympic posts.
You’ll also be able to reach me at injuryrate[at]faniq[dot]com.
What’s important to know is that FanIQ wants to make sports blogging an integral part of their site, and as an editor there I’ll have a large say in that. We’ll be linking sports blogs not only on the blog, but also in the main content section of the front page.
I’ll have the ability to keep linking all of you, so keep sending me your good posts. Considering FanIQ gets much more traffic than I ever did at this site, I’m sure you’ll appreciate the new links even more.
The site itself aims to give all sports fans a voice and a chance to connect with people who share similar interests, while also providing people with a wealth of sports news and opinion. That news and opinion comes from anywhere, from the mainstream media to crappy blogs like this one.
I’m going to miss being underground in nature, and only creating revenue from Shawn Kemp t-shirts, but I think by taking this position I can do more good for the sports blogging community.
All the best and stay in touch.