Naturally, when you're pissed at a football coach, the only rational thing to do is get your hands on a Fire(Whoever my coach is).com domain name. Back in the day, that would have been relatively simple. Just sign up, pay a few bucks, and rant away. But these days, in this tech savvy (and greedy) world, you're going to have to shell out for that right.
That's because there's a site called Redshirted.com that annoyingly owns the rights to a lot of FireCoachWhomever.com domains. Let's see what some of the big names potentially on the hot seat go for.
fireLovieSmith.com - $150 (I have a feeling this price may escalate real soon)
fireRomeoCrennel.com - $150
fireJoeGibbs.com - $250 (You've still got it Joe)
fireMarkMangino.com - $100
fireSlyvesterCroom.com - $250
fireRichRodriguez.com - $250
And just for fun:
fireMikeMartz.com - $50 (What a bargain! Of course it's a little strange to have a web site dedicated to firing your offensive coordinator)
Now I know what you're thinking. What does Norv go for? Ah, my friend, you will have to bid on that. Quite frankly, if I were Redshirted, I wouldn't let that sucker go until I got a couple G's for it. My guess is everyone in San Diego wants that domain name right now.
Some of the names you can't get, because they're already sold, include Brian Billick, Urban Meyer, and Dennis Green. I know for a fact that fireDennisGreen.com was crucial to his demise in Arizona. Or maybe it was just because he sucked. Whatever.
Anyway, if you don't mind spending all your hard earned blog money, then soon you too can bring down the hated coach of your choice. I'm just pissed that fireNickSaban.com is already taken. But then that's hardly surprising.
This is why I laughed for a good five minutes when San Diego inexplicably hired Oakland's detritus.
You know, you could probably buy some variation of firenorvturner.com. I'm going to go check it out right now.
Thanks for the idea.
There are tons of variations, use hyphens and probably many are available, e.g.: fire-norv.com or try .net or .org ones. Good luck, lol.
That's a great find. I'm surprised some of the coaches haven't bought up those names to protect their dignity.
So what happens when I buy this domain and the coach gets fired... its all over... you set a goal, achieve it, and then it's done? That's so unfulfilling. I think I'll just stick with working on my blog, that will almost certainly always be on the verge of escaping obscurity, one day at a time.
Oh, check out my blog at... nah I won't do it... lol.
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