Why, implant computer chips in athletes so you can track their every movement, of course.
Much to my surprise, it isn't the Chinese that are suggesting this - they just brainwash people. Instead it's two reigning Olympic gold-medalists, Carolina Klüft (heptathlon) and Stefan Holm (high-jump) of Sweden, that are actively looking to make this computer chip scenario a reality.
Klüft, who's asked for this rather revolutionary method to be used in the past, still backs it. But she's also now open to just putting a GPS transmitter on the training bags of athletes.
But Holm, no sir, he wants the chip. Somebody could easily jog the bag around the stadium while the athlete is getting "Roger Clemensed" in the training room, with no one the wiser.
"It's hard to be one hundred percent sure without having a chip surgically implanted into the skin," Holm said.And I agree. In fact, I think ALL athletes should have a chip inserted into them. That way we can constantly keep track of things like:
- Whether Paul LoDuca was almost in a car accident or not.
- Which strip club A-Rod likes the most.
- If Mike Vick managed to escape prison yet.
- What Pacman Jones is doing in his spare time.
- If Florida State players ever attend class.
- Where Brady Quinn goes to cry.
I have been reading your blog for a long time and I have to say this is one of the funniest things I have read. Not the whole article just the part that says Where Brady Quinn goes to cry. If you ask me its where he goes to put in his next tampon
I have been reading your blog for a long time and I have to say this is one of the funniest things I have read. Not the whole article just the part that says Where Brady Quinn goes to cry. If you ask me its where he goes to put in his next tampon
I have been reading your blog for a long time and I have to say this is one of the funniest things I have read. Not the whole article just the part that says Where Brady Quinn goes to cry. If you ask me its where he goes to put in his next tampon
It was so funny he posted thrice! The refresh button is indeed a fickle mistress.
Rickey, for one, wants to know where Olympic contender Steve Prefontaine is at all times. That fella has a bright career ahead of him.
Tag'em like cattle...especially the blacks
i think "Anon" may be racist...
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