Case in point is a wonderful - by which I mean horrible - article penned by Travis Fain at the Macon Telegraph.
It's basically your classic slurp the local college team for having a big year deal, but then it gets a bit bizarre. Despite Fain early in the article saying that the Telegraph is a family newspaper, he proceeds to write this ridiculous paragraph:
But since I doubt the BCS is looking for my opinion, let me close with this: I want Colt Brennan's head on a stick. I want that pretty boy Hawaii quarterback driven through the Superdome turf. I want perfection in all phases of the game this New Year's Day. Destroy Hawaii. And then let this be known across the land: The Georgia Bulldogs will be staying in the national title conversation for many years to come. And if you're not with us, then you'd better start running.Nothing says family newspaper like "I want his head on a stick." I also can't remember ever seeing a print journalist write something like this. Fain writes like Hawaii invaded Georgia and Brennan took a dump on a Jefferson Davis statue (which I'd whole-heartedly approve of Brennan doing).
Hawaii, I'm definitely pulling for you in this game. Just to see what Fain pens if you beat Georgia.
Reading Crap like this reminds me why I did not parlay my JSchool degree into some sweet gig at the Local rag.
Instead, I rant on the internet as a past time.
I'm a Dawgs fan but I will admit that they don't deserve to be in the national championship because they simply aren't the best or one of the two best teams in the country. The only complaint I see in the situation is how one goes from four to five while the previously top two teams lose. (obvious question) However, don't wish ill will upon UGA or its following just because some douche bag redneck got hired at a Macon Family news paper. Love your stuff... easy on the south.
As a grad of UGA .....and having a daughter in her third year there....I do bleed red and black.....but...this guy just made the point of why southern football is disdained by anyone north of the mason/dixon line and west of the Mississippi River. Sometimes the "Bulldog Nation" makes me want to puke. All I've heard is bitching and complaining from Mark Richt on down about the dawgs Sugar Bowl selection. Well let me just say, the dogs lost at home to a 6-6 South Carolina team.....got crushed at Tennessee and did not win the SEC. Hawaii will read for 5 weeks about how they will be beaten to a pulp. Remember last year? That's all Florida heard. Georgia should travel the low road and be quiet. Just be prepared for the game. Football is king down here, but it's the fanatics that take it to a distasteful level. I hope the Warriors give 'em a game. Dawg fans have long been disfunctional as well as disillusioned. If you lived here....you would be amazed by the conversation on sports talk radio. It's dawgs....dawgs....dawgs.
You'd think a blog with a slogan of "take no prisoners" would understand the concept of hyperbole.
- Travis Fain
That's an awful thing to say..
At least people in hawaii dont talk like this about Georgia..
And personally, Im glad, because that would be an embarrassment to all hawaiians
The worst thing about this is that Mr Fain did not even bother to calculte the load ratio of whatshisname's head on the stick. If he'd gone to Georgia Tech, this wouldn't be the case.
I'm amazed that no one seems to grasp the comments in the manner they were intended. To read Travis Fain's column and think he's actually advocating physically incapacitating Brennan is idiotic. As he said, it's hyperbole.
For those of you who don't know (which seems to be many), hyperbole is a figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect.
I wonder if Fain is going to go introduce himself to any of the Warrior's if he makes it to the game. I'm sure they will embrace him (tightly I hope) with the spirit of aloha. They may even dedicate the Haka to him, even as unworthy as he's proven himself to be.
Mele Kalikimaka
Geez! whoever wrote this has some really deep emo problems. who says " i want his head on a stick?" this is completely inappropriate. Could you have some humanity please!? What did Colt ever do to you to deserve to have something like this posted on the internet of him? You know what? I'm just a teenager, and I'm proud to say that I am a lot more mature than whoever wrote this, and they really need to learn how to grow up.
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