And now this.
Well-known Italian soccer player Pasquale Foggia is being accused of having ordered an attack on his own teammate. And to top it all off, the attacker may have been part of the local mafia.
David Marchini, who is the teammate who was attacked, just had his lawyer go public and tell Gazzetta dello Sport, that "Marchini and Foggia's troubles started with a training ground incident on October 24."
Apparently, the two exchanged insults, with Foggia saying, "Let's see what happens on Monday."
The following Monday, Marchini was at a cafe with striker Robert Acquafresca when Foggia came in and asked to sit at their table. Marchini refused, so Foggia left. But in came a guy with a thick Neapolitan accent, who sat down next to Marchini.
He asked why Marchini had fought with Foggia in training. Marchini got up to leave, but the guy did what any local mafia strongman would do. He punched Marchini in the nose.
Marchini managed to escape, all while the dude was swinging a chair at him. I'm sure the next team practice was great. Nothing brings teammates together like attempted hits on each other.
Maybe A-Rod should learn from this, and have some local NYC thugs rough up Jeter a bit. Jeter certainly deserves it for his hideous postseason performance last year. And for having once dated Mariah Carey.
Thank you for your article, really effective piece of writing.
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To my mind everybody have to browse on it.
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