
So, my great conclusion on the Barry Bonds debate comes down to one word: "Karma." Very similar to how the OJ Simpson case was about Karma. When I first read the survey reflecting the different opinions on the Bonds debate, the only thing I could think to compare it to in terms of a major issue, not necessarily political, that similarly divided America racially was the OJ Simpson case. If you think a little deeper, the Karma involved in both situations is similar as well. Where OJ was clearly Karma for the American legal system's continual failures to adequately and equally protect African-Americans over the years, Barry Bonds breaking the home-run record is Karma for the years of racial injustice in major league baseball. Just as white America could not bare the thought of letting OJ walk after almost definitely killing two people, white America can not bare the thought of Barry Bonds almost definitely cheating his way to the top of "America's Pastime's" most coveted record.
Now, I know you're probably saying, wait a second... Hank Aaron is African-American and he owns the home run record so it can't be a racial issue. This is a valid point, but the thing is that Aaron broke the record with class and dignity and Aaron is a feelgood story for the country and all Americans. We should not be judged in how we treat those who do great deeds with honor and dignity, but in how we treat those that do wrong. Just as our criminal justice system has consistently targeted African-American offenders at every level, so too are we quick to jump on African-American athletes at the first sign of character weaknesses. Ray Lewis was clearly guilty before being proven innocent, Pacman Jones too.
Imagine if Roger Clemens were African-American, for instance. Where are the front-page stories on the steroid allegations about him? On his freakish run into his mid-40's, huge physique, and fits of rage (see 100 mph fastballs and broken baseball bats thrown at Mike Piazza)? Clemens is a poster-child for Steroids Era baseball, he is like Bonds, by all accounts, a huge a-hole, and there is nothing about him in the press except how he may be the greatest pitcher of all time and everyone wants to sign him right now, etc. Can't you see how African-Americans could be concerned by this? I know I can...
Just as the OJ Simpson case was a wake-up call for America demonstrating that we are not as racially united as we like to believe we are, this Barry Bonds debate is a similar reflection of the same concern. While we all love to join hands around a great athlete and a great person such as Hank Aaron has been over the years, a lot of times we have to deal with reprehensible individuals of all races. It is our racially-neutral treatment of these individuals that show how far we have come as a society. Once we can accept that it isn't always going to be the Nelson Mandelas that triumph over injustice in the courtroom and sometimes it is the OJ Simpsons of the world that do so... and once we can accept that it isn't always going to be the Jackie Robinsons and Hank Aarons that break barriers and records on the baseball field we will finally prove to ourselves that we have overome substantial racial problems in this country. Until then, fortunately we have OJ and Barry to show that as much as we like to believe we have obtained racial harmony in this country, we still have a long way to go... and at some level we definitely deserve this. For every African-American who has been abused by the American legal system and every Satchell Paige and Josh Gibson who never got to play in the major leagues because of racial prejudice, there is an OJ and and a Barry to remind us that Karma always comes around...
First, Your argument on Bonds v. Aaron is nonsensical. If anything, opinions on Bonds are weighed down by those other factors, while opinions on Aaron have a clarity to them as a result of not cheating, having a decent personality, etc. You say we need to look at the way we judge people at their worst, but it doesn't mean that our reasoning for judgment can be boiled down to one factor; what it speaks to is our ability to forgive those people, not to our biases. I am not racist. Though I am at the point where I'd like to see Barry Bonds hit by a bus. And yet I have absolutely no racist sentiment. If another African-American or Black player were to approach the record, I'd eagerly await its fall. But Barry Bonds is a man who had everything and was one of the greatest players in the game, and chose to cheat in order to become the best there ever was; his own godfather hates him, so what does that tell you? is hank aaron racist too?
Second, Roger Clemens is a cheat. He's a terrible person as well. If you need to blame anyone, blame the media for lack of complete coverage. Most fans I know who follow the game and aren't Yankee, Red Sox, or Astro fans hate the man, and know he used steroids. And yet we never hear about it. Some people might think it's lack of proof, but the circumstantial evidence is overwhelming (and yes, circumstantial evidence is enough). So drill the media, but don't put the onus for this on us.
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Good post.
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