There's no question that safety at the Olympics is important. Atlanta made that very clear. But what's funny is that in our idiot-proof world, we feel the need to constantly alert people about everything, even obvious things that a half brain dead monkey could figure out. Well, China's now doing the same thing. In an effort to make the Olympic Games safe and idiot-proof, they've put up posters around China about what you can't bring to the Olympic Games. Let's see what made the list.

I'm glad China is against people bringing grenades and cell phones strapped with C-4 to the Games. Both could possibly cause some trouble. Although imagining who would accidentally strap C-4 to their cell phone is sort of hard to imagine.

Ah yes. Guns. Definitely should avoid bringing these to the Games. Not exactly sure how you'd take them away from someone who insists on having them though. Good luck indeed.

Guns for show, knives for a pro. Judging by this picture, it looks like only small knives are banned. Which means it should be totally cool for me to bring
my trusty patriotic machete.

I think one of these is a taser, but the others I'm not so sure about. But they all look painful, which I'm sure means many Chinese are familiar with them.

And what's this? No gun powder and cocaine? And something which sort of looks like heroin. Man, what a downer. How in the hell am I going to make
brown-brown now?

And just in case you want to look at everything, here you go. I don't see missile launchers and tanks on there, so I'm guessing you can probably bring those. Should be an awesome Olympics.
Beijing Olympic Games 2008-WCK
Thanks for the link. I am glad you liked the pictures.
Why are they trying so desperately to berate skeet shooting enthusiasts?
my man is on top of the Olympics!
"I think one of these is a taser, but the others I'm not so sure about."
im not chinese but it looks like the other things are aluminum bats and nunchaku (some people call them numchucks.)
too bad we can see these used at the chinese olympics.
Is it bad that those diagrams make Rickey feel like dancing? And possibly crossing state lines to go on a killing spree?
i guess its ok to bring wood bats and nunchucks without hidden blades.
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