As many of you who read this site know, I'm a big fan of the Olympics. And I'm an even bigger fan of China hosting the Olympics because they'll literally do anything to make sure the Games go well. And they also have awesome fans who are willing to
desecrate their hair to show their support. But they have even more hardcore fans as well. Scary hardcore.

How about tattooing the Olympic rings onto your forehead? Definitely the mark of a true fan. Or a slightly mentally imbalanced fan. One or the other.

You'll also notice the Great Wall featured prominently on the side of his head. I mean what the hell, you've already got "Beijing 2008" tattooed on your forehead, in English no less. Might as well go all the way.

And just because you can, how about having all the fruity Olympic mascots tattooed around your neck. There are five mascots by the way, which means five times the Olympic fun! Or something lame like that.
But maybe all this mascot crap isn't hardcore enough for you. Maybe you want to get a tattoo of every single
pictograph image of all 35 Olympic sports.

There you go. All 35 on the back and arms. I believe this kid is going to act as a human sign for visitors. Point to the sport you want to go see, he tells you how to get there.

Naturally it wouldn't be complete without the rings and the official seal.

And while this guy doesn't have his face tattooed, he at least goes the extra mile to get his hair cut in an "I Heart Olympics" style. Well played psycho fan, well played indeed.
While I appreciate the enthusiasm of these guys, I'd hate to think what life is going to be like for them the day after the Olympics end. But then again, out of date tattoos will probably the least of their worries by then.
China Daily and
Beijing Olympics Fan]
WCK, I think it is time to take your show on the road to Asia. Thanks for the Packers Props!
For Immediate Release November 10th, 2008
Press Release: Olympic Tattoo Designs Launched in Vancouver
World renowned tattoo artist Thomas Lockhart has announced the release of his first of a series of Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic tattoo designs.
Lockhart intends to produce two hundred Olympic tattoo designs and will tattoo any Olympic medallist with the tattoo of their choice for free as a lasting memento of their achievement and a lifelong reminder of Vancouver.
Lockhart predicts that the Olympics will inspire thousands of both Vancouverites and visitors from around the world to get commemorative tattoos and that athletes won’t want tattoos of panthers or butterflies but something related to the Olympics.
When asked if he was concerned about copyright infringement for the use of the Olympic insignia and logos in the tattoo designs, Lockhart replied, "Patriotic, memorial and commemorative tattoos have been around long before the Olympics were even dreamed up. It's not like I'm using the name to sell pizzas on Denman Street" in an apparent reference to Olympic Pizza's epic fight with John Furlong and VANOC.
Lockhart, when further questioned about whether a dispute with VANOC might harm his chances being elected as a Park Board Commissioner in the upcoming Vancouver Municipal elections said, "That's a sacrifice I'm prepared to make. If I have to give up my political dreams and aspirations to be an enthusiastic supporter of Olympic athletes, so be it".
When questioned about his motivation for the Olympic tattoo designs, Lockhart explained that the seeds for the idea had been planted when he travelled to China and Beijing last year and had been inspired by the Chinese preparations for the 2008 Summer Olympics.
The first of Lockhart's Vancouver 2010 Olympic tattoo designs can be seen on his websites or
Lockhart's shop, West Coast Tattoo is Vancouver's oldest tattoo shop, and Lockhart is well known for his work in film and television, both behind and in front of the camera.
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Contact: Thomas Lockhart 604-996-6623 or 604-681-2049
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