After Vick vacated the place, the house and property were assessed for tax purposes at $747,000 and sold to Todd Builders Inc. of Carrollton, Virginia, for $450,000. They'll be auctioning it off on Dec. 15.
Now, being the scrupulous buyer that you are, I'm sure you want to know what you're getting - aside from a dogfighting compound, of course. Well, the home is 4,608-square feet with five bedrooms and 4 1/2 bathrooms. And it has a fireplace - which I assume is to make fires or burn evidence.
Kyle Hause Jr., a real estate agent in Newport News who's doing the auction, is of course refraining from hyping up the house and its infamous past.
"Only one person can own the most famous house in America today," Hause said. "You can ask people from coast to coast which house has the most notoriety in the country today, and it's this house."Wait, did I say he's "refraining from hyping up the house?" My mistake. I confused a real estate agent with an actual human being. Maybe they'll even throw in a free dog carcass if you buy it. And if you want to check out the backyard, just look below. The black sheds in the white circle are where - as they say - "the magic happens."
Will the realtor be providing potential buyers with free DVDs of Stephen King's "Pet Sematary" to further enhance the property's appeal? I can just see it now. The SF 49ers buy the property, re-exhume George Gipp's body, call upon the spirits of Vick's dead dogs, and create the indomitable zombie quarterback of the future, moving Alex Smith into the role of back-up.
They should be hyping that sweet ass basketball court
yeah but college lines? I need my trifectas to drop from NBA range!
What a fucking loser from hell!! This bastard should have hands tied behind him, 20 juicy steaks hanging from his pathetic piece of shit body, & let the dogs tear him apart. He should then rot in prison, & then go straight to hell along with all his counterparts involved in this deplorable act. God bless the judge that made him pay money to the dogs he abused. He had it all & chose to torture God's most precious creatures. I bet even as the asshole walked the dogs out, their tails were wagging, because animals are so trusting. Rot in hell Mr. Vick, there is no forgivness for you. I believe you are only sorry because you got caught & all your posessions are gone. I truly hope you suffer & dream of the crimes you did & I hope you never forget them. I do suppose you have no heart & are only upset because you have lost everything.Every dog has it's day, & yours is coming, worse i hope than any fate the poor dogs suffered. I wish for one day, you could be let loose running, & hunted like the animal you are. You may very well be the Anti-Christ!!!!!!!
God's most precious creature? really? I thought that's what man was. I don't see dogs building the pyramids. I do see them leaving crap on my lawn, though.
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