NFL officials are investigating whether Green Bay Packers players placed bounties on Purple Jesus and the Carolina Panthers.
League rules prohibit teams and players "from offering or accepting bonuses to a player for his or his team's performance against a particular team, a particular opposing player or players, or a particular group of an opposing team."
League spokesman Greg Aiello confirmed the investigation Monday.
Apparently Packers defensive backs offered to pay the team's defensive linemen $500 each if they were able to hold Minnesota running back Adrian Peterson under 100 yards rushing two weeks ago. This is new to me, but I believe that's code for "take that guy out." Which is exactly what happened. Peterson wound up rushing for only 45 yards before being removed from the game after tearing his LCL in the third quarter.
The hit was legal, but it sure stinks to high heaven that the Packers had a bounty on Peterson and he gets injured in the same game.
Speaking of bounties, I'll give $500 to anyone who can keep football announcers from gushing over Favre after he throws another stupid interception.
"Look at how much fun he's having out there!"
Yeah, that pick was just what the Packers needed.
Putting a bounty on Jesus!!! Man, that's an offense of biblical proportions.
How did you get holding him under 100 yards to injuring him on purpose? The hit was clean and when the Packers finish 12-4, 13-3 or 14-2, WCK, you will still be hating on the Pack. The Packers hammered the last 2 teams and they seem to be playing better as the season goes along.
Great D, Great Passing game, average running game that is improving. Favre does not feel the pressure that he has to make every big play and it shows in his 2007 game.
You still seem bitter about some of those playoff defeats the Packers dropped on the 49ers in the 90s. They gave you the TO game, which still haunts me, turn the page buddy.
That's a very poorly thought out bit I just read. You do realize that if the DL could hold AP to under 100 yards, the DB's would would pay the DL 500 bucks.
Now, think about this. AP was hurt when he collided with a DB. Wouldn't it be detrimental for Al Harris (a corner) to injure the running back before he ran for 100 yards? Now, he owes the DL 500 bucks.
That being said, it wasn't a very good tackle, but it wasn't malicious. Harris went to make sure Peterson was doing okay after that and Peterson says he believes the hit was clean. This is football, not a conspiracy to injure.
You are a MAJOR moron. If the rumours are true, it wasn't a "bounty", it was teamates encouraging one another to perform with money; clearly, the idea was NOT to hurt anyone.
on Favre: 1) have an original thought; we've only heard that crap you spout in 4800 other places for the last three years. 2) Favre is 38, has been playing for 15 years as a starter, and is having an MVP caliber season (with only Brady in his way). My guess is that you're overweight, snaggle-toothed, and have an IQ that qualifies you for disability.
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