Yikes. I understand the penetration analogy, but the kickouts I'm not so......oh. Good God that's gross.
Naturally the NBA has taken definitive action, and by "taken definitive action" I mean "basically did nothing at all."
"The remarks are in poor taste, and the Lakers have assured us such remarks will not occur in the future," league spokesman Brian McIntyre said.
And people wonder why John Amaechi didn't come out when he was actually playing in the NBA.
It's a total mystery.
I can't believe he actually said that. Did a reporter quote him in print, or did it just come out later that he had made that remark?
nah, it was caught entirely on tape. All the reporters were like, OOOOOOOOOOh! when he said it too. It was hilarious, and'll probably be on youtube soon.
Don't be such drama queens.
It was funny. Get a fricken life.
I don't understand the kickouts still, will someone please explain?
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