Anyway, it seems on Monday that 33 cheerleaders from two different Texas high schools got into the catfight to end all catfights at Texas State University at the end of a 4-day cheerleading camp. Here's the Dallas Morning News's take on the beat down.
Squads from both Dallas Skyline and Midland high schools were staying in Blanco Hall and preparing to check out about 11:30 a.m. Monday, said Mark Hendricks, a university spokesman.
The Skyline girls staying on the fifth floor began knocking on the doors of the Midland cheerleaders on the fourth floor, he said.
Some of the Midland cheerleaders came into the hall. Shouting, pushing and shoving ensued before someone called police, Mr. Hendricks said.
Eleven Midland girls and 22 Skyline girls were involved. No injuries were reported, he said.
As you can see from the map below, the Texas news was all over this huge story (except for getting scandalous photos). Judging by the forecast, Midland came in from the west and Skyline from the north, which resulted in the huge shitstorm at TSU.

Regrettably, as I said before, there are no pictures of this incident. However, this is why God gave you an imagination. Or if you're too lazy, here's a really crappy local news video.
Sad that you have to be such a perverted dick to want pictures of little girls!
thats some funny shit. imma a cheerleder and we dont go to those kend of camps. damn my coach needs to pick a better camp next summer!!!!!!!!!
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