But anyway, for a period of time he was going out with this lovely Argentinean model, Natalia Fassi.

Now I know what you're thinking. She just wants the money or to be seen with a soccer player again. I mean, that has to be the reason? Or maybe she's legally blind.
Turns out we were all wrong. Apparently Tevez is, uh, pretty good in the sack. He better be with a mug like that. Here's what Fassi said drove her to Tevez in the News of the World:
"Every time we made love it was so passionate we would forget what planet we were on."
Ok. But what about the fact that he looks like Frankenstein?
"He is no David Beckham. If you compared the two I definitely would take Beckham any time. But it was a relationship of love. I liked the way he looked at me."
Yes, I'm sure that's true. This must have been the look she loved (also known as Tevez's "Oh" face):
The couple was known as Beauty and the Beast in Argentina during their six-month affair and they ultimately broke up because Tevez got his actual wife pregnant (this guy has a wife?!). So anyway, I think there's an important lesson here. And that lesson is if you're an ugly famous soccer player, you can still get tons of hot women. Or something like that.
He's an incredibly talented forward. Quick, smooth, very inventive. He's gonna be gettin' paid long after this blog is a thing of the past (assuming it lasts 3 or 4 years).
Hulk smash the p*ssy! I'll be getting paid long after t finally realizes that assumption is the mother of all fuckups. Love live 100%! Thank you Steven Seagal.
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