Thursday, July 26, 2007

This show is definitely going to make it

I think we all know NBC has had some trouble since Seinfeld went off the air. I mean I never watch it, and that's all that really matters.

Well, hope is on the way and it should have all us sports buffs breathless with anticipation. And by "sports buffs" I mean "psychotic weekend fishermen."

A couple of weekend fishermen, on what I can only assume was a wicked bender, decided to try and create a TV show for NBC. It seems as though this thing has been in the works since 2000, which means these guys are either incredibly lazy or don't know when to take a hint. I'm going with the former judging by their awesome web site.

Anyway, the title of the show is Mens Fishing Weekend. Here are some of the great show ideas.

Episode 1: Intro: The first trip - How to hit cookies with a canoe paddle
Episode 2: Stealing Magazines
Episode 3: Finding the Trestle Bridge
Episode 4: The Day Fishing Died
Episode 5: The Finger Cutting Episode
Episode 6: Bob's Hostile takeover
Episode 7: [Celebrity guest appearance] A special Mens Fishing Weekend (Dave Barry's cut out joins us for a weekend - but gets kicked out after one day)

If you think that's can't miss television, here are some future episode ideas they're working on:

The Deer hunter
Aliens visit
We don't eat with Bob
Pete breaks his rod/Ken loses his
Charles Simulates sex and the Dildo award (to be shown on Cable only)

That last show idea sounds just a bit too gay for me, but the rest are definitely all winners. Anyway, the good news is the group is meeting just before the Super Bowl broadcast to continue "To approve all screenplays for the new TV show Mens Fishing Weekend."

Best of luck boys, I've already got the show penciled into my schedule.

By the way, if you're wondering what the show might actually look like, here's the best example. Nothing like a little fish tonguing to get the audience pumped up.


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