The 21st anniversary of The Fridge GI Joe action figure is coming up
I'm not sure how many of you out there remember The Fridge. My only memory of him, aside from the Super Bowl Shuffle, is when he ran through about 40 New England Patriots for a touchdown during the Super Bowl in 1986. Later that year though, The Fridge received one of the greatest honors in American history. He became the first - and last - pro football player to be made into a G.I. Joe action figure. That was primarily because everyone hated the figure so much. Reportedly the reason why The Fridge was even considered was because a deal to introduce Rocky Balboa into the toy line fell through, apparently because Sylvester Stallone's likeness was licensed for the new Rambo toy line. I totally remember that toy line, uh, not so much. Anyway, since the idea to create this ill-fated G.I. Joe action figure happened right around this time of the year and we're nearing the 21st anniversary of its release (it was available to get from late 1986 through 1987 and again in 1989), here's a look back at The Fridge's valiant fight to stop the evil Cobra Commander.
Believe it or not, somebody actually made The Fridge the Joes' physical training instructor. The Fridge taught them how to effectively eat a 10,000 calorie per day diet. His weapon was a black football attached to a chain. Which I guess makes some sense. Sort of. The Fridge was also not an easy character to get. You had to save up 5 Fridge proof of purchase certificates to get him. Interestingly, the Fridge also had a 900 number you could call. Seriously. And last but not least, he even appeared in a cartoon commercial.
I don't think I'm the only one that seems to remember the Fridge being slightly fatter in real life. But whatever.
The only other pro athlete (by which I mean non full-time pro wrestler) to be turned into a G.I. Joe action figure was Ted Williams - who was a decorated Marine Corps pilot.
I was disappointed when i received my Fridge in the mail. His arms were attached on the wrong sides with his thumbs pointing outward. I wonder what it's worth now?
A physical training specialist?
Funny, my childhood memories of the Fridge are of him plowing over the line in the Super Bowl and eating lots of bacon in a commercial.
And that's pretty much it.
Storm Shadow could kick the Fridge's ass.
I had not idea this existed - thus 1 more reason the internet is great.
Goooo JOE!
My favorite Clemson Alum
Oh god I'm gonna get my ass kicked for this, but wasn't there a GI Joe that was (basically) Mike Ditka?
I actually remember the code you had to get from the 900 number - "P - T - I: Physical Training Instructor." Because the Fridge is *so* effing fit.
I actually had the Fridge GI Joe. It's somewhere in a box in my parent's basement... sort of like the box they kept the Ark of the Covenant in.
You may be thinking of the one that was based on WWF wrestler Sgt. Slaughter. He was kinda Ditka-like, in both appearance and attitude.
I was disappointed when i received my Fridge in the mail. His arms were attached on the wrong sides with his thumbs pointing outward. I wonder what it's worth now?
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