Monday, October 22, 2007

Monday links

The Red Sox are back in the World Series, and they're noticeably becoming the new Yankees. But that's ok. Because the Rockies are a team of destiny. Plus, they hammered the snot out of Schilling and Beckett in interleague this year. So to everyone out there who says they have no chance, they most certainly do. As for Cleveland, it's hard to believe they actually led the series against Boston 3-1 at one point. Let alone that they actually had a chance to win it. Considering Sabathia and Carmona turned in 4 putrid performances, the fact that the Indians made it to a Game 7 is sort of astonishing. And maybe says something as well about Boston's pitching. Kind of a bizarre series to say the least.

On to the links.

SI seems to have found a new Jenn Sterger. [SPORTSbyBROOKS]

The iShoe is here, helping to make you even lazier - and nerdier. The video, just for the music alone, is worth watching. [Deuce of Davenport]

SI sucks at boxing coverage. [Larry Brown Sports]

The Yankees are huge cheapskates. It's Costanza's fault, I gaurantee it. [SPORTSbyBROOKS]

Some cheeky free kicks in soccer. And man are some of these ever impressive. [The Beautiful Game]

Your weekly NHL recap, because we don't give you one. [Pop Jocks]

I always enjoy the 'ol search term post. Lot of strange search terms in this one. [Doberman on the Diamond]


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