Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Super linkage

Just like our bizarre fetish with extreme sports right now, we're on a Legend of Zelda fetish as well. So let's link it up.

Daequan Cook is having an NBA Draft party at a Holiday Inn that's open to the public. He realizes he may not get picked until the second round, right? [Winning the Turnover Battle]

That pitcher who found the rock quarry worth $2 billion wants to go to Japan. How about you retire to vast riches instead. [The Feed]

Lion in Oil has an interview with ESPN's Scouts Inc. Keith Law. I'll be honest, I have no clue who he is. [Lion in Oil]

Meatball is a great name for a gerbil. [Say Hey]

It's never too early for college basketball rankings. [Just Call Me Juice]

That has to hurt something fierce. [Deuce of Davenport]

Posh Spice as a cheerleader? Man I hope not. By the way, can someone feed her for God's sake? [Our Book of Scrap]

LeBron says he'll play for Team USA. [Sons of Sam Malone]

I'm tired from a day of extreme wheelchairing. Peace.


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