Needless to say, Nash found it a little weird.
"It's bizarre I don't really know what to make of it. It's just pretty cool," Nash said.
This is the fifth year that the farm has portrayed a celebrity within the cornfield. Past cornfields have depicted Larry King, Jay Leno, Oprah Winfrey and "Louis Gonzales."
"Louis" Gonzales? I guess the paper means Luis Gonzalez.
Anyway, while it may be weird for Nash to have his face carved into a cornfield, it's better than having this carved into a field.
That's absolutely frightening and mystifying at the same time.
I'm not gonna lie, this is a bit creepy.
Larry King, Jay Leno, Oprah Winfrey and "Louis Gonzales."
4 names that I never though I would see in the same sentance.
Coincidentally, those are also four people who have never been in my kitchen.
I don't know... I like the dick one.
Yeah, screw Jerry West, I think the picture on the bottom should be the new NBA logo.
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