Friday, September 7, 2007

Friday links

Let's take a look at what we learned from the first NFL game of the season.

1. If the Saints are the class of the NFC, the NFC is in deep shit.
2. The AFC is good.
3. It's hard to believe, but after having won a Super Bowl, Peyton Manning is in even more commercials. And they all sucked.

Also, unless you've been under a rock, then you know Rick Ankiel - The Story of the Year - has now been connected to an HGH scandal. Which means he's no better than Bonds as we are more than happy to point out to you.

On to the links.

This is too bizarre. Over at Epic Carnival a post was put up literally an hour before the Ankiel story broke. It's entitled "The 10 secrets of Rick Ankiel." Don't worry, I added the 11th in the comments section. [Epic Carnival]

Speaking of Ankiel, Rumors and Rants thinks the Ankiel story is just piling on to a very bad last month and a half. [Rumors and Rants]

And NOIS does their take. [NOIS]

Oscar de la Hoya is going to be doing what now? [Larry Brown Sports]

David Boston, staying one step ahead of Rick Ankiel. [More Credible]

The video game that will surely replace Madden. [NOIS]

Elijah Dukes ain't paying his child support or alimony. I'm shocked! [Sons of Sam Malone]

Keith Olbermann's week 1 wasn't very good. Although don't take my word, I didn't watch his segment. [Awful Announcing]

The best and worst NFL mascots. Although I personally don't think the Chargers belong on the worst list. [All On The Field]

Say Hey, like me, believes our 49ers are headed for a 9-7 season. [Say Hey]

Would you like an ironing board to the face? Sir, yes sir! [Deuce of Davenport]


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