Uh, why?
The football you see above is part of Chanel's 2007 fall accesories line. And you'll be even more thrilled when you hear the price - $195.
Man, the other side of that football better be diamond-encrusted or I have a feeling this won't exactly be a top selling item.
Anyway, here was some woman fashion blogger's take on the football.
When I saw this I was like "wow, that is the perfect marriage between fashion and football." This football represents my marriage in some strange way LOL. It is a really cute gift for a guy that is into fashion, and if his fav. sport is football, which would be RARE.
Let me go out on a limb here and say that actually would be rare. I watch football in sweats with Doritos strewn across my chest. Let me also go out on a limb and say no man in his right mind would ever be caught dead throwing a Chanel football around. Let alone pay $195 for one.
UPDATE: It seems Deuce did this story months ago, which I totally missed since it wasn't football season when they did it. So for their take, here you go.
Yeah, perfect for that gay hairdresser who also happens to be a raging Jets fan.
I hope they only made like 5 of these.
Haha! Raging Jets fan. Why does it look like something from the throwaway bin at Toys R Us? I can't force myself to actually look any further into this or think about it ever again, but what makes it worth $195?
This football represents my marriage in some strange way LOL
So her marriage is a total fucking joke shrouded in gay secrets?
Stark: What makes this ball $195? It says Chanel on it. That is the only reason. Its the same reason you can get a Ralph Lauren Polo for $20 at your local JC Penny (you pay an extra $100 for the Ralph Lauren "man playing polo" logo).
This seems like the perfect football for Michael Strahan.
I think this is the football that David Carr practices with.
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