An official Czech site called Olympic Prague has been set up to keep the world informed about the city's efforts, and it also comes in multiple languages. But there's one major problem. They used a robot as a translator. Awesome.
Here is some of the great news you can get from Olympic Prague's English page:
PRAGUE for advocate gainfully action, which bring Prague glory all the world over. For second nightmare and extremely chance for corruption. Prague summer Olympic Games in the year 2016 or 2020 is above all big moonshine chief magistrate Pauline Bem.
Has if have offer Prague and vicariously and Czech republic prospect of success in competition offers big world’s metropolis, must Prague use his unique eye-appeal and get different draft games to the beautiful cities.
Bookkeeper offered must be sent to middle-shine. International Olympic collection shortlisting five candidate next year and winner will elect on October 2009.
So Prague apply to treat Olympic Games for the first time, and next European town London already put on by antecedent in 2012, Prague’’s present-day candidature be considered enough how preparation for bid for Olympic Games in 2020 or 2024.At least we know we're not quite at the stage where robots will start killing humans. But man, Prague better get some translators before big moonshine chief loses the bid to a country that can actually type in foreign languages.
You blew this post as usual. That was no robot translator. That was Sacha Cohen from Kazakhstan.
That thing read like a Nigerian scam letter.
for make benefit glorious nation Czech republic
Come on... ...it is not official webpage. Please, be more professional next time ;-)
Btw, how many languages do you speak? ;-)
Yours virtually
Czech Girl
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