Monday, September 10, 2007

Monday links

Mondays always hit hard. We didn't do links this weekend because we were lazy. That's what you're supposed to do on weekends. Be lazy and watch 43 hours of football.

On to the links.

Uh, in case you wanted some help in learning how to pickup NASCAR drivers, some woman has written a book on it. [Deuce of Davenport]

As of right now, Mario Williams is ahead of Reggie Bush. [Brahsome]

Sure this was linked all weekend, but it never gets old. The Oregon Duck got suspended for beating the crap out of the Houston Cougar. [Larry Brown Sports]

Could JD Drew go to the Phillies this offseason? [Ump Bump]

Some guy went on quite a rant this weekend about some of the big name sports blogs. [The Nosebleeds]

In case you were wondering, and I know you were, the Women's World Cup starts today. It helps that some of the women are attractive. [The Beautiful Game]

Seems like most people spent the weekend watching football and not writing posts for Monday. Definitely the right decision.


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