Thursday, September 6, 2007

T.O. is into deer fighting, or something

I don't really want to write about this, not because I have anything against T.O. (well, maybe I do), but because I'm getting tired of people trying to help explain Michael Vick. As a lot of you know, Whoopi Goldberg recently defended Vick. She claimed dogfighting was part of his cultural upbringing. Excellent. Just like how repeatedly bashing losers was part of my upbringing. It's ugly sure, but dammit it was ingrained in me people, there's nothing I can do about it. So I'm glad Whoopi and I see eye to eye on this issue. You know, except for the part about killing dogs.

But T.O.'s response was more interesting. He compared dogfighting to hunting deer: “They cut their heads off and they go to mount them on the wall. And they are animals as well. I don’t see a big difference in the situation.”

Excellent point T.O., even though deer are totally wild animals that can't easily be kept in cages and half-drowned by you before you put a bullet in their heads. And they aren't bred for domestication either. But other than all those things, and about 50 other reasons, they are exactly like dogs - no question.

All this aside, if T.O. starts his own deer fighting league, I'll totally be there.


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